gosh..lame gak tak update..well been very bz lately..
with class and also helping my family with our new business..
hurm..so sorry to anyone yg mad coz i tak contact dia.hehehe..
bkn sengaja..i have lot of thing to do..
huhuh..but i'll keep track with u guys later okay..
well..skejap je ramadhan dh nk abis..tggl 3 hari je lagi syawal lak nk di sambut..
hurm..thn ni nye puasa seriously i tak rase sgt coz bz dgn class kan..but it doesn't mean tht i tak puasa..huhuh..insyaallh penuh thn ni..huhuhuh,..
thn ni raye for the 1st time kat blah my dad nye hometown..pangkor!! yeay thn ni raye mandi pantai!! hahahahaha...but satu ari je kat sane..raye ke2 dh blk ke kemaman lak..huhuhh..
mm..thn ni raye agak meriah kot kat trengganu coz anak sepupu i nk kawen on the 6 day of syawal..hurm..confirm meriah la klu sepupu sepapat dh bertemu kan..hehehehe...
tp cuti smggu jek..isnin klas dh start..so kena la pulang kan..hurm..gosh cuti raye pun kena wat asgmnt..mcm mano 2?
uhuhuhuuh...xpe2..study itu penting..raye thn depan ade lagi..ehehehe
well..i need to make a move..nk kuar gi bazar..n berbuka.ahahahah!!!
clas pun dh abis..so bye2!!...
p/s..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI to all of muslims...to my family..my frens..
huhuhu...minta maff byk2 ye..nnt dtg le beraye..huhuh