Mmmm..melaka? i spent my weekend there..dgn mum and other relative.ade majlis skit kat sini and my mum suruh i i bertolak pagi around 11 am from kl alone.yeah! i'm a lone ranjer!!! aahaha..i dh biasa dh gi mane2 sorg ni. well jap gi i nk brtolak blk kl dh..can;t wait! *wink*wink*
nnt i akan cite pasal melaka ni kat entry lain ye..skrg ni gi kemas2 brg nk balik! ehhehe..
take care..hehehe...
ameer khidzir
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
people aorund me..
ahh ari ni last day i keje kat Telco & Post ni, sbb ape? i dh bgtau kat entry lepas so no need to tell it again. mm skejap je dh 3 thn kan? cepat nye masa berlalu mcm x percaya je dh habis sume..berbaloi la penat lelah selama ni..hurm sebalik kepenatan and kesusahan tuh ade segelintir org yg telah byk membantu i tuk mengharungi nye (mcm ne tah entry kali ni mcm sedih2 lak)..selain dari my beloved parents yg mmg slame ni menyokong and mendorong i tuk trus me in every single thing! thank abah n mama!!! i love both of u so much! nothing can replace both of u!! Thankssss!! Muah!
hurm like what i said beside my parents..there are bunch of people tht help me a lot! Dorg dh mcm my parents gak kat sini.memandang kan my parents is 300++ KM away from to them i toldevery problem that i had and wit them also i build up back my confident and chill!! yg penting dorg sgt2 best even dorg ni lecture but the bond between us is just like parents and child. walaupun dh mcm parents i dorg tak treat i mcm tuh la,.still have limit and i sdr pun fhm..limit2 pun bile time lepak2 klu i tak kena bahan dgn dia mmg tak sah! hehe but sumtimes i counter attack.mane leh diam je! helo amer kot yg penting dorg sedia membantu and give i support! Thank you so much to my lecturer En.Izham and Pn.Irin (there are happy go lucky hubby & wify)
its them...
okay..selain dorg ade lagi group of people yg byk membantu dan membuat i rase tercabar setiap kali masuk klas! kdg2 jeles pun ade (in a good way)..dorg ni i knl start dr 1st day of our class lg kat unisel.hmm mcm2 ragam n mcm perangai sume akan dirindui..hehehe yg pengting dorg sume best! nk tau ape yg i rase tercabar an jeles sgt dgn dorg ni..? of coz la work2 & asgmnt dorg..sumtime rase jeles gilerbabi tgk work dorg yg gempak2 tuh..kdg2 tnye gak dorg mcm ne dorg wat mcm tuh..hehe nasib dorg sume baik hati nk tolong kan..tu yg way i lagi syg kat dorg sume..walaupun i slalu je bahan2 org kat dlm klas tu tp trust me i lv all of u guys n girls..dgn yg lelaki nye kdg2 poyo..yg pmpn nye sumtimes terlibih ayu plak..aha hakikat nye tuh la dorg..walau ape pun ragam dorg.thts special thing about them. we all just like a big family! owh btw thx gak kat korg sume coz trust kat i and lantik i sbg class rep korg slama 8 sem berturut2..hahahah! u do it in my way or else i kick u away..hahaha bole? lah! sporting okay! thts the motto! mm i wonder girl bile nk wat reuinion ni..? ahahah bru je abis tak smpi sebulan dh nk wat reunion..ahahaha!!
my parents!
hurm like what i said beside my parents..there are bunch of people tht help me a lot! Dorg dh mcm my parents gak kat sini.memandang kan my parents is 300++ KM away from to them i told
its them...
okay..selain dorg ade lagi group of people yg byk membantu dan membuat i rase tercabar setiap kali masuk klas! kdg2 jeles pun ade (in a good way)..dorg ni i knl start dr 1st day of our class lg kat unisel.hmm mcm2 ragam n mcm perangai sume akan dirindui..hehehe yg pengting dorg sume best! nk tau ape yg i rase tercabar an jeles sgt dgn dorg ni..? of coz la work2 & asgmnt dorg..sumtime rase jeles giler
ni lah dorg
DG03 A
well guess that tu la org2 yg byk memberi impak dlm hidup i slama 3 thn yg lepas..hakikat nye rmi lagi tp ini adalah org2 yg memberi impak rase tak perlu kot nk masuk kan yg negatif ini x penting!
ahah..well hope the bond tht built will remain intact..peace!
happy as always!
ameer khidzir
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Resign or Redesign..???
hurm,,resign?! yeah thts it RESIGN..i dh buat keputusan and nothing can change it.,last monday i htr surat resign to my boss..telling her that i need to resign to persue my future.She okay with it and ready to let me go. Byk benda bru yg i blaja kat sini(T&P) thx to my boss of coz yg bg i peluang tuk keje and i gain lots of new experience here my colleague thx ye! hahahaha..i need to resign coz i have plan my future and hope i can stick with it walaupun i tau sikit sebanyak i akan kuar track jugak nnt do to what ever my parents want me to do..hope everythings went well!!
redesign! redesign! redesign!..adoii tu je la keje i..mula2 suh design..dh design cantik2(cantek ke?) dia ubah blk..okay la ikut taste dia kan..pastu tiba2 bg blk suh i redesign blk..adoii!! pelik tak? baik bgtau je nk ape sume bg i buat je..x pun nah buat sdr!! ahahaha..well thts my job so wat je la kan..ahahahah sabo2!!! ni la keje i dlm hari2 terakhir keje ni..sedeh la plk ayat kan..ahahaha..well not to worry..x sedeh mane pun! ahahah..
yeay!! excited nk blk kg ni! going to spend my leisure time there as long as i want! yesss..urm sure going to miss KL and all my frens here but my future is way more important than that! blk kg bukan tuk goyang kaki tau! going to run my dad's business there with my cozin! but still rase bole rilex2 coz its not as pack as KL or as busy as here!! ahahah..i'm a kampung boy! thats not going to change! But b4 blk kg kena blk jb dulu jmpe parenst sume..heheee..miss my room there! ahah..
miss this house, byk kenangan! here is where i grew up!
hurm..going to spend the rest of this year here!!! yeay!!!
ameer khidzir
Friday, May 14, 2010
sempat lagi?
sempat lagi ke tuk i wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my beloved one and only mama..Puan Norashikin u so much mama..sory tak dpt blk tuk celebrate! insyallah dlm bulan ni amer blk ye mama...
sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp THANK YOU to all my lecturer at Art & Design Faculty of UNISEL..akhir nye grad juga saya..trimas atas semu ilmu yg di berikan insyaallh ade rezeki kita jmpe degree nnt..and not to forget to all my classmate..batch DG03 (sume) thank you coz tolong i selama ni, sabar dgn perangai i yg byk cekadak ni, sabar dgn lawak i yg kdg2 menyakitkan ati, sabar dgn bebelan mulut i yg kdg2 mcm mak2 korg, sabar dgn semua la...hehehehe..thxxxxx...going to miss u all...
sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp sory to all my colleague out there yg mane pernah tersinggung..yg mane penah kenal pastu tak kwn dh...adoii bosan la plk..mcm bdk2 la mintak2 maaf mcm ni...senang cite..
buang yg keruh amik yg jernih..dah2 klu rase nk kwn lagi dgn aku kwn la,,klu tak nak..ade aku kesah ko kwn aku ke tak?..hurm..just nk ckp semoga korg hapy selalu dgn kwn2 korg..cheers!!
sempat lagi tau tulis entry kat ofis..mampus bos tau!...
ameer khidzir
sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp THANK YOU to all my lecturer at Art & Design Faculty of UNISEL..akhir nye grad juga saya..trimas atas semu ilmu yg di berikan insyaallh ade rezeki kita jmpe degree nnt..and not to forget to all my classmate..batch DG03 (sume) thank you coz tolong i selama ni, sabar dgn perangai i yg byk cekadak ni, sabar dgn lawak i yg kdg2 menyakitkan ati, sabar dgn bebelan mulut i yg kdg2 mcm mak2 korg, sabar dgn semua la...hehehehe..thxxxxx...going to miss u all...
sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp sory to all my colleague out there yg mane pernah tersinggung..yg mane penah kenal pastu tak kwn dh...adoii bosan la plk..mcm bdk2 la mintak2 maaf mcm ni...senang cite..
buang yg keruh amik yg jernih..dah2 klu rase nk kwn lagi dgn aku kwn la,,klu tak nak..ade aku kesah ko kwn aku ke tak?..hurm..just nk ckp semoga korg hapy selalu dgn kwn2 korg..cheers!!
sempat lagi tau tulis entry kat ofis..mampus bos tau!...
ameer khidzir
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Telco & Post @ Solaris Dutamas sorry...i was so bz with final..guess what? I'm a graduate!!! yay!!!!! skrg ni i dh keje..agak bz la kan,.still cr masa tuk update blog yg dh start nk bersawang ni...
hahaahahha...owh ye skrg i keje dgn oneRelations SDN BHD..we all do Telco & Post..our shoppe is at Solaris sape2 yg nk wat courier service ke apply fixed line(phone) and stremyx ke..or nk wat printing ke? just drop by at our shoppe ye..kat SOLARIS Telco & Post ni francis so Telco & Post kat tmpt lain tu bkn we all yg punye ye(tmpt lain org lain punye la)..ahahahha..i kat Solaris Dutamas..
well klu segan2 nk dtg kdi just call for futher info +603-62078006 or just go to our blogsite at ..and be our follower..hurm one more u can check us at facebook (group and fan page) just search telco&post shoppe, Solaris Dutamas...hehehehe..fell free to browse it! luv ya! skrg ni i dh keje..agak bz la kan,.still cr masa tuk update blog yg dh start nk bersawang ni...
hahaahahha...owh ye skrg i keje dgn oneRelations SDN BHD..we all do Telco & Post..our shoppe is at Solaris sape2 yg nk wat courier service ke apply fixed line(phone) and stremyx ke..or nk wat printing ke? just drop by at our shoppe ye..kat SOLARIS Telco & Post ni francis so Telco & Post kat tmpt lain tu bkn we all yg punye ye(tmpt lain org lain punye la)..ahahahha..i kat Solaris Dutamas..
well klu segan2 nk dtg kdi just call for futher info +603-62078006 or just go to our blogsite at ..and be our follower..hurm one more u can check us at facebook (group and fan page) just search telco&post shoppe, Solaris Dutamas...hehehehe..fell free to browse it! luv ya!
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