Friday, May 21, 2010

people aorund me..

ahh ari ni last day i keje kat Telco & Post ni, sbb ape? i dh bgtau kat entry lepas so no need to tell it again. mm skejap je dh 3 thn kan? cepat nye masa berlalu mcm x percaya je dh habis sume..berbaloi la penat lelah selama ni..hurm sebalik kepenatan and kesusahan tuh ade segelintir org yg telah byk membantu i tuk mengharungi nye (mcm ne tah entry kali ni mcm sedih2 lak)..selain dari my beloved parents yg mmg slame ni menyokong and mendorong i tuk trus me in every single thing! thank abah n mama!!! i love both of u so much! nothing can replace both of u!! Thankssss!! Muah!

my parents!


hurm like what i said beside my parents..there are bunch of people tht help me a lot! Dorg dh mcm my parents gak kat sini.memandang kan my parents is 300++ KM away from to them i told every problem that i had and wit them also i build up back my confident and chill!! yg penting dorg sgt2 best even dorg ni lecture but the bond between us is just like parents and child. walaupun dh mcm parents i dorg tak treat i mcm tuh la,.still have limit and i sdr pun fhm..limit2 pun bile time lepak2 klu i tak kena bahan dgn dia mmg tak sah! hehe but sumtimes i counter attack.mane leh diam je! helo amer kot yg penting dorg sedia membantu and give i support! Thank you so much to my lecturer En.Izham and Pn.Irin (there are happy go lucky hubby & wify)
                                         its them...

okay..selain dorg ade lagi group of people yg byk membantu dan membuat i rase tercabar setiap kali masuk klas! kdg2 jeles pun ade (in a good way)..dorg ni i knl start dr 1st day of our class lg kat unisel.hmm mcm2 ragam n mcm perangai sume akan dirindui..hehehe yg pengting dorg sume best! nk tau ape yg i rase tercabar an jeles sgt dgn dorg ni..? of coz la work2 & asgmnt dorg..sumtime rase jeles giler babi tgk work dorg yg gempak2 tuh..kdg2 tnye gak dorg mcm ne dorg wat mcm tuh..hehe nasib dorg sume baik hati nk tolong kan..tu yg way i lagi syg kat dorg sume..walaupun i slalu je bahan2 org kat dlm klas tu tp trust me i lv all of u guys n girls..dgn yg lelaki nye kdg2 poyo..yg pmpn nye sumtimes terlibih ayu plak..aha hakikat nye tuh la dorg..walau ape pun ragam dorg.thts special thing about them. we all just like a big family! owh btw thx gak kat korg sume coz trust kat i and lantik i sbg class rep korg slama 8 sem berturut2..hahahah! u do it in my way or else i kick u away..hahaha bole? lah! sporting okay! thts the motto! mm i wonder girl bile nk wat reuinion ni..? ahahah bru je abis tak smpi sebulan dh nk wat reunion..ahahaha!!

ni lah dorg
DG03 A

well guess that tu la org2 yg byk memberi impak dlm hidup i slama 3 thn yg lepas..hakikat nye rmi lagi tp ini adalah org2 yg memberi impak rase tak perlu kot nk masuk kan yg negatif ini x penting!
ahah..well hope the bond tht built will remain intact..peace!

                                           happy as always!

ameer khidzir


Hello. said...

Congrats :D

ameer s.khidzir said...

thx zi..huhuu..

zam899 said...

adeh pnt je zam dh tulis pnjag td comment pas2 ilang x lrat dh huhuhhu...

igtkn ameer x de jeles2 ni...upenye ade ape kurangnye keje ameer heabt jua...
anyway gud luc in future!!! dh femes jgn lupe zam heheh blanja2 la kt one malaysia cafe pn jd la uhuh

The Typewriter & The Silent Thinker said...

huhu.. cpt je da 3 thun.. woaa..
still cant believe it..
but.. well..
u guys.. in dg03a mmg terbaek owh
u too.. class rep.. every sem.. kool2..

hahaha.. ble nk reunion eh.. bwu je baes.. tp
ble2? 10 years more?

btw.. good luck for what u will do and take after this yea amir..

may ALLAH bless u... amin..
da fames n kaye..
blanje SSB taw taw..
^ O ^

ameer s.khidzir said...

zam & farah: hehehe thx zam..jeles in a good way la.huhu pembakar semangat!
hahaha..orite.xde nye femes2 ni..low profile la..hahaha..
insyaallh..reunion? nnt lita bincang!..ahaha anyway gud luck to both of u also ya!!!!

Ini Mashi said...

I love you too amer! Thanks 4 being such a good friend... I'm glad u be my friend... Hope our friendship will last forever... :)

Amer dah byk tolong Mash.. tak tau camne nak balas budi Amer. Mash doakan Amer berjaya.

Walaupun Mash pernah gak terguris hati dgn amer, tapi tak pernah mash tolak amer untuk jadi kwn... Sbb amer x pnh mengkhianati persahabatan kita... Mintak maaf kalo ade salah dan silap... 0-0 ok.. hehe...

ameer s.khidzir said...

huhuhu,..mash! thx! same goes to u too..and sory la klu wat mash terguriss..hehehe
sume tu secara tak!!!
u too..semoga berjaya!!!