Wednesday, December 8, 2010


hurm..well its have been a veru busy end year for me..lots of lots of things need to be done..and i did!!
huhuhu..and the best part is my convocation ceremony..hahaa!

i'm not going to tell u about my convo for sure..ahaha malas la plak kan..well last few days i trbaca blog someone ni..he share with us about how he felt losing aku tiru dia la ni..ade aku kesah!
ahahhaa..idea je..jln cite lain..ahahahahah
the story is about..

Kesedihan disebalik Kegembiraan.. ari tu aku gembira skali coz dpt gi jakarta setelah 12 tahun aku tak pegi!! so excited!! mcm2 aku fikir..heheh..yela kan dah lame tak pegi mcm2 berubah...aku pegi dgn mama aku and 2 org cozin mama aku. Aku pegi ari rabu ptg dan sepatutnye balik ari sabtu pagi. Masa kat KLIA nk check in..mama terima call dari pak cik aku..and time tu semua dalam kebimbangan!! coz masa tu mak cik aku bru lepas buat operation kat Kota Bharu..pak cik aku bgtau yg blood pressure mak cik aku turun!! pastu dia dimasukkan ke ICU!! Time tu kita org jadi serba salah,nak pegi ke tak..mama tanye semua org utk mintak kita org pun berlepas...berfore naik plane sepupu aku..doktor yg rawat mak cik aku sms mama..dia ckp peluang utk mak cik aku hidup tipis!! time tu darah aku berderau..aku terus teringat kat sepupu aku...aku call dia srh dia pegi kota bharu mlm tu jugak dari johor utk tgk mama dia. malam masa kita org smpi jakarta..semua okay..tapi ye la kan,ajal maut di tangan Allah S.W.T. Esok pagi masa aku pegi breakfast dgn cozin mak aku kat cofee house. then ayah aku sms aku suruh mak aku balik time tu gak coz pak cik aku ckp jantung mak cik aku terberhanti...terus kita org tak de selera nk makan!! aku naik bilik jmpe mama then mama call cozin aku yg ade kat hospital tnye keadaan makcik aku...then dia kata mak cik aku dah takde!!! hanya tuhan je yg tau hati aku masa tu..aku terus teringat kat sepupu  aku tu..dia mmg rapat dgn family aku sejak kecil coz kita org duk serumah. aku terus call dia..dia kata dia sekejap lagi smpi kat kota bharu..mama tak bg aku bg tau dia coz takut dia terkejut smpi hilang kawalan..yela kan.hati manusia kita tak tahu.kita org terus check fligt and the earliest fligt ialah on Friday morning coz thursday tu Labour paham2 org smpi KL kul 11.30 pagi then  pukul 2.30 ptg bru  bertolak ke Terengganu...masa kita org sampai..kita org taksempat tgk pun coz mayat dah dikebumikan. mm...mmg aku terkilan coz tak sempat jmpe mak cik aku tu... ape yg  menyedih kan ialah sepupu aku tu..dia pun dah mcm adik beradik aku jugak..aku pun dah anggap dia mcm abg aku...skrg ni pun klu weekend dia blk umh aku kat johor... pak cik aku skrg still kat terengganu coz dia ade byk urusan kat skali2 bru dia dtg duk dgn kita org...mmg sedih bile benda2 mcm ni terjadi...ini kali kedua aku kehilangan seorg mak cik yg sgt rapat dgn aku  coz aku membesar dgn dorg semua..hanya bacaa ayat2 suci al-Quran dan doa sahaja yg mampu untuk aku berikan pada mereka.....semoga mereka di tempatkan di kalangan org2 yg soleh. Al-Fatihah....
semoga kita sentiasa mengingati Allah S.W.T. dan bersedia dgn ujian-Nya. Amin.

entry di tulis pada 8 May 2008(2.58pm)
cite ni aku amik dr blog lame aku

Thursday, October 14, 2010

busy ke?

busy ke?

Answer here

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

soooo soooorrrryyy!!!

hey guys!!..
OMg..soooo sooorrryy!!!..
lame gile take update my blog...i was so i dh grad tp itak going kaki ok..i bloke ke terengganu took urus kan my family bigness kat sane..eheh saje je nk cuber dire dlm bisnes2 ni kan,..lg pun my family kan..sapa lg nk tolong2 ni..ehhehe...thats why la i take sempat ari ni free skit la..

well this saturday i'm off to Jakarta for 4 days..nk gi jalan2 shopping! lame take gi sane..rind pulak..ehehheee...well..hope see u guys again...and have a great day ahead!!..
nnt i update my trip to jakarta..ehehhee...

ameer khidzir

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Mmmm..melaka? i spent my weekend there..dgn mum and other relative.ade majlis skit kat sini and my mum suruh i i bertolak pagi around 11 am from kl alone.yeah! i'm a lone ranjer!!! aahaha..i dh biasa dh gi mane2 sorg ni. well jap gi i nk brtolak blk kl dh..can;t wait! *wink*wink*

nnt i akan cite pasal melaka ni kat entry lain ye..skrg ni gi kemas2 brg nk balik! ehhehe..
take care..hehehe...

ameer khidzir

Friday, May 21, 2010

people aorund me..

ahh ari ni last day i keje kat Telco & Post ni, sbb ape? i dh bgtau kat entry lepas so no need to tell it again. mm skejap je dh 3 thn kan? cepat nye masa berlalu mcm x percaya je dh habis sume..berbaloi la penat lelah selama ni..hurm sebalik kepenatan and kesusahan tuh ade segelintir org yg telah byk membantu i tuk mengharungi nye (mcm ne tah entry kali ni mcm sedih2 lak)..selain dari my beloved parents yg mmg slame ni menyokong and mendorong i tuk trus me in every single thing! thank abah n mama!!! i love both of u so much! nothing can replace both of u!! Thankssss!! Muah!

my parents!


hurm like what i said beside my parents..there are bunch of people tht help me a lot! Dorg dh mcm my parents gak kat sini.memandang kan my parents is 300++ KM away from to them i told every problem that i had and wit them also i build up back my confident and chill!! yg penting dorg sgt2 best even dorg ni lecture but the bond between us is just like parents and child. walaupun dh mcm parents i dorg tak treat i mcm tuh la,.still have limit and i sdr pun fhm..limit2 pun bile time lepak2 klu i tak kena bahan dgn dia mmg tak sah! hehe but sumtimes i counter attack.mane leh diam je! helo amer kot yg penting dorg sedia membantu and give i support! Thank you so much to my lecturer En.Izham and Pn.Irin (there are happy go lucky hubby & wify)
                                         its them...

okay..selain dorg ade lagi group of people yg byk membantu dan membuat i rase tercabar setiap kali masuk klas! kdg2 jeles pun ade (in a good way)..dorg ni i knl start dr 1st day of our class lg kat unisel.hmm mcm2 ragam n mcm perangai sume akan dirindui..hehehe yg pengting dorg sume best! nk tau ape yg i rase tercabar an jeles sgt dgn dorg ni..? of coz la work2 & asgmnt dorg..sumtime rase jeles giler babi tgk work dorg yg gempak2 tuh..kdg2 tnye gak dorg mcm ne dorg wat mcm tuh..hehe nasib dorg sume baik hati nk tolong kan..tu yg way i lagi syg kat dorg sume..walaupun i slalu je bahan2 org kat dlm klas tu tp trust me i lv all of u guys n girls..dgn yg lelaki nye kdg2 poyo..yg pmpn nye sumtimes terlibih ayu plak..aha hakikat nye tuh la dorg..walau ape pun ragam dorg.thts special thing about them. we all just like a big family! owh btw thx gak kat korg sume coz trust kat i and lantik i sbg class rep korg slama 8 sem berturut2..hahahah! u do it in my way or else i kick u away..hahaha bole? lah! sporting okay! thts the motto! mm i wonder girl bile nk wat reuinion ni..? ahahah bru je abis tak smpi sebulan dh nk wat reunion..ahahaha!!

ni lah dorg
DG03 A

well guess that tu la org2 yg byk memberi impak dlm hidup i slama 3 thn yg lepas..hakikat nye rmi lagi tp ini adalah org2 yg memberi impak rase tak perlu kot nk masuk kan yg negatif ini x penting!
ahah..well hope the bond tht built will remain intact..peace!

                                           happy as always!

ameer khidzir

Ask me anything

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Resign or Redesign..???

hurm,,resign?! yeah thts it RESIGN..i dh buat keputusan and nothing can change it.,last monday i htr surat resign to my boss..telling her that i need to resign to persue my future.She okay with it and ready to let me go. Byk benda bru yg i blaja kat sini(T&P) thx to my boss of coz yg bg i peluang tuk keje and i gain lots of new experience here my colleague thx ye! hahahaha..i need to resign coz i have plan my future and hope i can stick with it walaupun i tau sikit sebanyak i akan kuar track jugak nnt do to what ever my parents want me to do..hope everythings went well!!

redesign! redesign! redesign!..adoii tu je la keje i..mula2 suh design..dh design cantik2(cantek ke?) dia ubah blk..okay la ikut taste dia kan..pastu tiba2 bg blk suh i redesign blk..adoii!! pelik tak? baik bgtau je nk ape sume bg i buat je..x pun nah buat sdr!! ahahaha..well thts my job so wat je la kan..ahahahah sabo2!!! ni la keje i dlm hari2 terakhir keje ni..sedeh la plk ayat kan..ahahaha..well not to worry..x sedeh mane pun! ahahah..

yeay!! excited nk blk kg ni! going to spend my leisure time there as long as i want! yesss..urm sure going to miss KL and all my frens here but my future is way more important than that! blk kg bukan tuk goyang kaki tau! going to run my dad's business there with my cozin! but still rase bole rilex2 coz its not as pack as KL or as busy as here!! ahahah..i'm a kampung boy! thats not going to change! But b4 blk kg kena blk jb dulu jmpe parenst sume..heheee..miss my room there! ahah..

miss this house, byk kenangan! here is where i grew up!
hurm..going to spend the rest of this year here!!! yeay!!!

ameer khidzir

Friday, May 14, 2010

sempat lagi?

sempat lagi ke tuk i wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my beloved one and only mama..Puan Norashikin u so much mama..sory tak dpt blk tuk celebrate! insyallah dlm bulan ni amer blk ye mama...

sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp THANK YOU to all my lecturer at Art & Design Faculty of UNISEL..akhir nye grad juga saya..trimas atas semu ilmu yg di berikan insyaallh ade rezeki kita jmpe degree nnt..and not to forget to all my classmate..batch DG03 (sume) thank you coz tolong i selama ni, sabar dgn perangai i yg byk cekadak ni, sabar dgn lawak i yg kdg2 menyakitkan ati, sabar dgn bebelan mulut i yg kdg2 mcm mak2 korg, sabar dgn semua la...hehehehe..thxxxxx...going to miss u all...

sempat lagi ke tuk i ckp sory to all my colleague out there yg mane pernah tersinggung..yg mane penah kenal pastu tak kwn dh...adoii bosan la plk..mcm bdk2 la mintak2 maaf mcm ni...senang cite..
buang yg keruh amik yg jernih..dah2 klu rase nk kwn lagi dgn aku kwn la,,klu tak nak..ade aku kesah ko kwn aku ke tak?..hurm..just nk ckp semoga korg hapy selalu dgn kwn2 korg..cheers!!

sempat lagi tau tulis entry kat ofis..mampus bos tau!...

ameer khidzir

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Telco & Post @ Solaris Dutamas sorry...i was so bz with final..guess what? I'm a graduate!!! yay!!!!! skrg ni i dh keje..agak bz la kan,.still cr masa tuk update blog yg dh start nk bersawang ni...
hahaahahha...owh ye skrg i keje dgn oneRelations SDN BHD..we all do Telco & Post..our shoppe is at Solaris sape2 yg nk wat courier service ke apply fixed line(phone) and stremyx ke..or nk wat printing ke? just drop by at our shoppe ye..kat SOLARIS Telco & Post ni francis so Telco & Post kat tmpt lain tu bkn we all yg punye ye(tmpt lain org lain punye la)..ahahahha..i kat Solaris Dutamas..
well klu segan2 nk dtg kdi just call for futher info +603-62078006 or just go to our blogsite at ..and be our follower..hurm one more u can check us at facebook (group and fan page) just search telco&post shoppe, Solaris Dutamas...hehehehe..fell free to browse it! luv ya!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


hahahaa..mash!! thank yu so much! appreciate sgt2..ehhe..x sangka lak mash nk bg kan..anyway trimas ye...
huhuu..igt smpi bile2 ni...lawa plak tuh..tu kwn2 yg tak tgk lagi ape dia yg mash bg hah ni dia pic nye..
tgk la..korg bukan ske pun..ehhehe... lah dia..diary konsert SATU Siti..hehe..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

hey all!!
so sory! lame gak la tak update blog ni,,adoi..sgt2 bz la..well as u know i dah start keje walaupun masih lagi begelar siswa. nak wat mcm ne rezeki tuk bekerja dh dtg kan.x baik tolak. trima je la..and time management sgt penting skrg ni coz i study smbl bekerja. I'm happy with it..btw tggl less than 2 weeks lg tuk i abis study and in May i'm going to concentrate fully to my work! Yeay!! tak sabar nk abis ni..get out from campus life..ehehee..
hurm..well i will update again later...need to run..ade keje nk wat! ehehe..nnt i cite keje i kat entry lain kay..
take care!...

ameer khidzir

Monday, March 22, 2010

final project!

hey sory guys...terlampau bz dgn final project..and i bru je dpt now i belajar smbl bekerja...well atleast bile dh abis blaja nnt i dh ade keje so tak perlu la nk menganggurkan...ahhahahahaa...thank god i will finish my study within 5 weeks kena tul2 concentrate on this final the same time working!!! i'm going to start a business with my fren..adoiii byk nye benda yg i nk wat!!!..
heheh..hope i can manage everything and sory la lame tak update..SEDIH!!!

ameer khidzir

Friday, March 12, 2010

aku terima kejujuran mu itu...

hurm,.kejujuran sgt pentimng dlm sesebuah frenship ye..walaupun kdg2 kite trlepas pandang mende tuh! adoyaiii..sory to all kwn2 yg terasa ati ke..mkn ati ke(dh xde benda lain nk mkn agak nye)..ape2 je la yg bersangkut paut dgn ati ni..i mintak maaf byk2 dr lubuk ati yg dikorek ni..mula2 lepak dgn i or senang cite ase mula kwn dulu i dh pesan dh..mulut i ni kdg2 mmg over..x mkn saman..or what so ever yg korg pggl la kan.. i dh ckp klu terasa bgtau je dpn2..x yah la korg nk wat dosa ckp2 blakang..i'm open la..helo..bgtau je kat i ape yg korg tak ske..insyaallh i akn ubah ye..and i tak kisah pun klu korg nk lepak x ajak i coz takut kena bahan dgn i..
ahhh..i lg rela lepak sorg2 tenang kan fikiran ,,aduyaii...i tulis entry ni bukan coz nk marah2 ke ape ye..
sbb nye nk bgtau n nk cakap trima kasih kat kwn2 yg jujur bgtau kat i ape yg dorg tak ske pasal i..tu la yg i nk dlm frenship..tak ske bgtau je trus jgn nk simpan dlm ati smpi ati tuh busuk! pastu mula la kan..haha phm sdr..
heehehehehee well thx ye semua....and once again SORRY about my mouth....frenship never end!

ameer khidzir

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

..nak marah pun tak leh....

hurm..sabar je la kan..tu yg terbaik i la ape hak i nk marah dia klu dia dh tak nak kan..
nk wat mcm ne..i ni sape je...walaupun kita org kawan..i igt kawan boleh la tolong kawan maksud i dlm erti 'pertolongan' tu..klu tuh dh keje dia..i bayar la kan..bukan nye i tak bayar..igt i tak mampu ke? ni yg nk bongkak sekejap ni..tau la bz skrg..stakat ratus2 ni tak amik la..main yg ribu2 riban je..OMG! mane dtg ribu2 klu bkn dr ratus2 ni..sedar la wahai manusia...anda tak sentiasa berada diatas..klu dah bgs..i tolong ok..i promote u dgn sume klu kwn mintak tlg pun tak sggp nk wat..what else i can la i ni kan student mcm tak nmpk mase depan lg..owh plz...i have my own plan la..tau la dh hebat tak la sehebat BC, SK, sbb dia tak penah rase i ni kwn dia..? haha..ko ni ske berangan kan mer..hahaha..xpe la..
yg penting i ikhlas berkwn dgn perlu kan bantuan i tolong klu i bole tolong...hurm..
thx tu mr.A coz sggp terima ye..walaupun tggl smggu je lagi and i mcm sgt thx so la mcm i ckp la kan..klu dh itu keje u..u will do to plz the customer kan..and i pay for ur work!..ehhe..klu this one good! i tak cr lain la..i will stick with one..and i will tell others..dont worry..i will help and support my fren...


hahahaha..well this entry is just to impress myself!! klu ade yg terasa tuh i susun 10 jari memohon maaf..

ameer khidzir

Monday, March 1, 2010

Internship will end this week...

argh,..setelah hampir 8 mggu bertungkus lumus..akhir nye smpi juga ke mggu akhir praktikal..
hehehehe..well will miss this ofis for! hurm..

this is my work place..

hurm..pape pun i gain lots of experience..and looking forward tuk wat part time kat sini..eheheh..
insyaallh klu dpt next week trus start! yeay!! ahhahaha...

ameer khidzir

Thursday, February 25, 2010

reading...amik MUET lg ke?

heheee..well MUET dah lepas xde nye nk amik lg skali..result i pun bagus ye..
btw gud luck tuk kwn2 yg bru nk amik this year! heheh..byk kan membaca english paper tuh..
ahaha..hurm entry ni bkn nk cite pasal muet ye..just nk cite pasal membaca ni..wah rindu plak nk dgr lagu marilah membaca yg dinyanyikn artis bersatu tuh..sume artis2 nyanyi(xde la sume kan)...lagu tuh best!!..
dulu past spm gigih i membaca novel2 cinta ye..maklum la pas spm takde wat pe & arwah anti i ade byk koleksi novel coz dia sgt suke membaca..i pun ade la baca gak..siap nangis2 ye baca coz terlalu menghayati cite tuh...
ade la beberapa buah sempat i bace..pastu i dh start bz blk dh..dgn lesen kete nye..dgn keje nye..pastu trus masuk blaja..mmg xde masa nk baca2 novel ni..apetah lagi nk beli kan..ahahaha..bkn nye i tau sgt cite mane yg best...publisher mane yg slalu laku..ahahah..or kata yg ni best..yg ni la i bace.klu yg tu..itu la..ahahah..

well skrg i dh start bace blk bkn novel cinta yg cite nye dh cliche sgt dh kan..i  ade buku bru..aahaha
 ni buku nye
The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic

hahaha..mesti korg igt gigih i bli buku ni kan..ahahaha..sbnrnye mmg dh lame sesekali ku rasa teringin nk baca buku pasal shopaholic ni..just takde mase nk gi membelek kat kdi n beli..kebetulan i gi umh cozin i..i tenmpk..
ape lagi..trus la ckp nk pinjam coz dia blm bace! buku tu stil dlm plastik!! ahahaha...well ni la keje i di masa lapang ye..membaca..ahahaha..dh lame tak rase baca buku..ahahah! ye la start study mane ade bace buku.
coz mmg xde kena mengena nk mentelaah buku ni..ahah kecuali nk tambah2 ilmu or idea kan so kena la bace gak...ahaha..well bru je baca 2 chapter..& dh simpan niat nk bli yg lain pas ni..ahahah!!..

Niat tuh kena ade ye...pastu bru la kita berusaha untuk merealisasikan niat tuh and selebih nye bertawakal..
ok?..ehehe...smbng keje lee....

ameer khidzir

...cupcakes forever...

hurm..skrg ni famous sggh cupcake kan...kdi2 cupcake tumbuh mcm cendawan lps hujan..heheh...
tp mmg tu la cupcke sgt famous nowadays..even cozin i pun dh wat bisnes jual cupcake kat blog..
meh nk promote skit..tgk la blog dia ye.. bad la..walaupunn..ahaha...
yela dr dia duk umh goyang kaki perabis ke beras atleast ade la site income tuk dia kan..huhuhu..skrg ni
kawen ke bufday ke wat tahlil pun ade cupcake..mcm ne tuh..hurm..well antara kdi cupcake yg i penah rase n i would suggest is cupcake chics..stakat ni klu tak silap ade 2 franchaise one at Curve and anothe at Pavilion...
the cupcake was superb!! and size dia sgt berbaloi dgn harga..huhu..lame plk tak gi bli kat situ!! huhuu..this weekend la..!! ahahaha...

well ade 1 lg kdi cupcke yg i bru try last pun lps bace kat my cozin nye kdi tuh wonder girl milk...hurm.i like the concept of the store..beside cupcake dorg ade gak jual meals n drinks..bleh duduk2 lepak..okay la..hurm,,,

nice signage

choises of cupcake

i bought 4 je tuk rase..
hurm...not bad la the taste but if compare size n prise..i prefer cupcake chics..huhuhu..but still delicious!!
huhuhu...bleh la tuk sape2 nk gi try..and dorg siap ade yg dh siap 1 kotak tuk buffday or any occassion..
ni je yg sempat i snap..ehehhe..

hurm...sabtu ni mesti ade cupcake gak coz cozin nye wedding!!! ahahhaha

ameer khidzir

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


need idea for this booklet design!..damn shit..dh la keje byk..blm siap yg ni dh bg yg lain dh..pastu siap suh ketepikan yg lame siap kan yg bru dulu...adoi..baik la sy siap kan yee...
mane idea ni....

 hurm done satu keje..ade lagi keje sian gak la kat U****L ni coz xde designer sdr..hehehe...klu kita org tak intern kat sini sape yg nk wat design2 ni sume..i wonder??!! byk gak duit U ni gi upah org luar wat..
adoii..siannn sgt!! ahahahahha!!!...
weh keje tak siap lg ni...adoiii....sambng keje....

ameer khidzir

hey..sory lame tak update..
hurm..well umh since umh dh ade wireless skrg..insyaallh i'll try to update it as frequently as i can..
but for now focus on my work 1st..ehehe..sory le..a lot of thing need to be handle
huhuhu..i try to settle it one at a time..ehehehe...

thx for the readers!!...back to work..bye!

ameer khidzir

Thursday, February 18, 2010

my new lurve...

OMG..lame gile tak update ni..sory le..been bz with work(clishe gile alasan)..ahahahah!!
hurm..skejap je tggl lagi 2 mggu je tuk i wat internship ni (practical)..pastu jd student blk la..siap kan final projeck tuh dip show..hurm,,then i grad! gosh mcm tak caye jek dh nk bais blaja..ehehhe,,suke!!
well entry tuk ari ni is about my new lurve..mesti ter tnye2 kan siapa kan gerangan makhluk tuhan yg bertuah itu..
kann..tnye tak? klu tak i bgtau je..ahahah!!..hurm..last weekend (chinese new year) i blk jb dgn my cozin..bertolak after keje..smpi sah2 la mlm kan..bkn cite pasal CNY ye i nk cite coz xde pe yg best pun..just lepak umh n kuar jln2 dgn cozin tuh je la..hurm...time otw blk ke KL i sggh la umh my cozin (i ade nyk cozin ye)
dia dh nk kawen dh  March ni then dia janji nk bg sumthing to excited sgt coz i mmg dh tau ape dia n dah lame sbnrnye cuma xde mase nk gi la sgt aku ni!!!!

at last i dpt gak ape yg i nk...huhuhuhhhh..and its my new lurve...
haahha..comel kan...
then ape lagi tht nite.ahaahahaha




hahahahahah!! kan..dia lah my new lurve skrg...
hurm..comel tak bile kami bersama? ahahhaha

ameer khidzir

Sunday, January 17, 2010

owh my wireless...

hey blogger,,
hurm..bru ari ni dpt update blog...last week mmg sgt bz and penat dgn keje! aduhh..bru 1st week start internship..keje nye bkn main byk lagi..and my working hours is like damn!! its not 8 to 5..
but its more to wjat ever time i want..ahh..i dont like it.coz sgt ssh ye mcm tuh..tido sah2 tak tentu!..
tp nk wat mcm ne kan..kena ikot gak la tiem tuh..ahahah..but still i manage to do my job!!..

hurm...owh my wireless..bile la nk dtg umh ni..adoii...klu ikot kan this wednesday dh bleh pasang dh wireless..
tp disebabkan oleh sumthing yg dasyat berlaku kat area my house ni and TM going to fix lmbt lagi la..
maybe dlm 2 to 3 weeks time..senang cite bulan depan la bru ade wireless...ahhh!!! for the time being kena la gi kdi2 yg ade wireless tuk wat keje..

well yesterday was rock!! rock ke? hahaha.bleh la kot..pas jmpe my parents and said goodbye to them..
i'm heading str8 to klcc to meet my fren..ahah,,plus i nk bli brg..hurm..rmi sggh makhluk kat klcc ye..adoii..
ape la dorg wat rmi2..hurm..balik umh tido lagi bgs kan..ahaha..well klcc tak byk choice la plk plus brg i nk tuh takde kat kita org plan nk gi mid je..huhuh..well trus off to mid..hurm..abis sume kdi kita org masuk sume tingkat kita org still xde yg berkenan di hati..ahahah nk wat mcm ne..i ni cerewet!
ahaha..kan mr.R..huhuhuh..dh puas n penat cari last2 kita org decide gi mkn kat pelita..aha..mcm biasa rutin klu dtg mid..hehh..smlm agak awal la kita org kat situ coz kul 9 dah lah coz 1 of my fren nk blk kajang lak naik tren kang lmbt2 takde tren lak..sian..sape nk htr kan?

hurm..but still nxt week nk gi BB lak nk shppng!!! still tak puas ati lagi nih coz tak jmpe yg dicari..
well jmpe lain kali ye...

xo xo cz

Sunday, January 10, 2010


wassup bloggers?
how are u guys..? hope eveything okay..
hurm..ari ni 10 Jan..wah skejap jek dh 10 ari dah masuk thn 2010 rase bru je smbt new year!..
hehee..cepat sggh mase berlalu skrg ni..sumtimes tak sedar pun..hee..

well semalam mmg sggh best! hee happening gile thx to my fren ye coz join me(they know who they are)..ahaha..klu tak aku terkontang kanting sorg2..and sbb korg paksa gak la aku on kan..
hehehe..yela klu tak pas ni dh takde masa kan..hurm to mr.R jgn nk ajar aku benda yg bukan2 ahahha..but i'm so happy last nite walaupun penat kan..korg tak penat ke..dh mcm org gile aku tgk korg ber2 smlm..out of control i guess?..aha..dgn mak cik baju cheetah tuh lagi..bole tahan..
tak padan dek tua..ahaha..sabar je la..lebih2 lak dorg tuh kan..sentap!!! hahahaha...
tapi kan muke kita mmg ade cop pelita la..mlm smlm pun lepak pelita lagi..adoi!! aku rase kita dh bleh bli share kat pelita tuh la...senang skit nnt gi sane msk akaun jek..hahahaha!! byk cantik muke ko kan..nk free je keje nye..hee..wink!!

as for today..hurm..aku tgh nyenyak tido tiba2 buniy bising hon!! aduh kacau tul..tak henti2 lak tuh dia hon..aku pun bgn intai..rupe2nye lori sampah duk hon coz ade kete blok tmpt sampah tuh dia nk wat keje pun tak leh..almost like 10 min gak la..tuan nye kete pun leh tahan tak turun alih kan kete..hurm.sabar jek...klu ikot kabn atai nk je aku maki tnye sape tuan nye kete..ahahah
tp nk wat mcm ne standard la idup kat umh flat ni mcm ni la kan..ahahah..sabar je lah...!!

hurm..pelita lagi kay..kali ni kat s.alam lak..kita org gi lunch kat pelita..ahaha..mcm dh takde kdi mkn kat s.alam ni..ahaha..pelita gak menjadi pilihan.hurm..lg pun dh lame tak makan nasi dgn ayam pelita..gosh!! layan gile!! huhuhu..kenyang!!! kaya la korg kayap la aku..hahaaa..bole? bole kan je la kan...haha..

yeay!! esk start yg best nye td aku msg bos aku..tnye esk mcm ne sume..
dia reply ckp "C u guys 3 oclock for briefing at wherever u want to meet ciao"...ahahah!! senyum jek aku esk takde la nk kena bgn pagi2 mcm nk gi ofis kan..ahahh!! well let see mane nk jmpe ekk..klcc,ou,pavi,mid,garden,..or starbuck,coffee bean,..any idea guys?..ahahahah!!

hurm..hope tomorow going to be brighter than today! heee....

xo xo cz

Friday, January 8, 2010

having fun...

wassup blogger!!
gosh smlm takde mcm merepek gak klu ade klas pun ye lah org tak start sem lagi aku dh semangat gi klas.ahah..what to do..i'm senior n this is my last sem..ahahaa..senior ke?
mcm tak caye lak kan..ahaha..well smlm sgt penuh brother call me on afternoon and ask me to met him up at nasi lemak cinta syg coz kita org nk gi amik our dad kat airport..his going to Jakarta for...owh i lost my count..ahaha..pick him up at LCCT at 2 pm then straigt away went to KLIA..drop him..sayonara abah,.have a save journey! hehe..then we head brother sent me home then he's going to for me a lot things to be done..went to it Plaza Alam Sentral not Parti Islam Semalaysia tempah baju for my mum..duhh..need tht baju before end of this month!..and thx to miss rina coz promote kdi tuh..ahah!! Ming i want tht baju to be done immediately!!! ahahahah!!

huhh!! siap satu keje..then i call ruff asking where she i remember dia ajak i gi redbox but i cant coz lot of stuff..bla bla..but i manage to be there b4 dorg i sneak into redbox sempat nyayni 2 lagu!! ahahahah!!! dpt juga aku lepas kan walaupun tggl 15 minit lagi kan..ahahah!!
then kita org gi tmpt wajib..lepak kat startbuck mid..smbl chit chat..mata menjeling sekeliling..
ahahah..mcm biasa la kan klu tak tgk org then ckp2 tu bkn kita org lah..ahahah!! yg penting aku tak kacau org! hehe..kan3?!,,,ehehe...dah puas duduk kita org masuk pusing2 kat dlm mid..
hurm..rmi gak la org kan..satu lagi benda wajib klu aku dtg mid...after dh puas kat situ sure aku akan gi diner kat pelita bangsar..ahahaha...

well mcm biasa ruff jom gi pelita bangsar..ahah..okay!! tp this time dia nk blk mandi lak dulu,. terpaksa la aku tggu dia setengah jam kat bwh apartment tuh..hurm..aku rase klu ari2 kita org gi pelita tuh mau kita org kena halau dek mamak situ..klu dah lepak tak igt dunia...asyik bercerita jek dh tuh gelak kuat2 separuh mati..ahahah!! smpi kiri kanan jeling..but like i care..
aku pun bayar gak servis charge kat situ so? mind urself..ahahahah!! keji sgt! hehehehhh..

hurm..dh penat and stock cite2 panas tuk ari tuh dh abis..aku pun blk lain pun nk duduk gak kat situ..sian dorg! heehee..htr la si pmpuan ni blk then i'm headig back tp s.alam..
huuhhhh...well klu free kita org lepak lagi tmpt yg same yeyy!! so klu nk cari aku cari lah di tmpt2 tersebut..ahaha bole? ape yg bole nye? ntah la..asal bole..ahahahah!! sengal!!! ahahahaha!

xo xo cz

Monday, January 4, 2010

everything is new..

hey blogger!
how are u.sory mcm biasa la tak berkesempatan nk update..
eehehe..well i guess still not too late for me to wish Happy New Year to everyone!! for me..this year everthing is new i guess..hahahaaa
hurm...masuk sem bru.and it is my last sem so need to work more harder than last one...
and also new house! heehee..its better this way so tht i can always put in my mind tht i'm a student!..ehehe...u know what i mean! hurm..and also Happy Buffday to my mum..sory mama coz tak dpt celebrate with u this year,..ur son kena blk kl sory..and hope u like ur present!! heheheee...

Not to forget my fren yg ajak i celebr8 new year ari tuh..thx ye..hee..korg ni pandai je nk tarik aku kan..ahahaah...(they know who they are)..btw kita ade satu misi lagi ye yg tak accomplished mlm tuh..hahaha..akan ku tuntut!!hehehee...

well as my life skrg ni nmpk mcm more okay then last year..happy with what i'm doing rite now and can't wait to proceed what i have plan this year!! yeah! hope it going to be better than what i expected..hehehee...

1 more thing..i'm going to fininsh my dip this year..and for sure i'm going to cont my study..and still thinking where and when..??!! ahahah..its hard guy! klu ade rezeki ade la..and to all my fren nnt kan kemunculan aku di klas ye..hehee..miss u guys!!!

xo xo gossip boy